Well, it's official, Hero is home. It's got to be a great feeling knowing that as the days go by and everyone begins to adjust, including Hero, Kelly may actually be able to get some peaceful, restful sleep. Kelly, the girls and her mom made the journey saturday to Dallas to pick up Hero. He has spent the last 3 months at Shadows For Life, and still has lots to learn as a sevice dog's work is never done and they learn daily. While Kelly, Hannah and Olivia were at the training facility becoming aquainted with Hero, listening to things they needed to know as they headed for their "official" family ride home, Kelly's mom and Sam were busy shopping at Walmart. It's truly funny how God ALWAYS seems to know when He needs to be seen, heard and felt. Kelly's mom and Sam were sitting in the restaurant at Walmart having a coke and a cookie when a woman in a wheelchair with a service dog pulled in to get a coke......Can you believe it, a service dog at Subway inside Walmart. Kelly's mom walked up to the lady and began to talk about her dog. She told her that Kelly was picking up a service dog for her youngest daughter. The lady persisted to tell Denise(Kelly's mom) that she got the dog 3 years ago when she was diagnosed with bone cancer?? Strange, just keep reading. The lady began to tell Denise that since she has had the dog shes been diagnosed with many other health problems as well but what's the greatest news, the testimony that God intended....the dog is able to sniff, yes I said it SNIFF the lady and it detects when she has a cold, an infection somewhere in her body and needs medical attention. Can you say Praise God!!! You may ask why, well Denise began to tell her how Sam had been diagnosed over a year ago with an immune disorder and then was later diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Strange how that encounter led to other events throughout the day. As Kelly arrived to pick up her mom and Sam, Denise began to tell her the story and said she hopes and prays that Hero might become Sam's Hero as well. Maybe dogs have an intuition, maybe we just see them acting funny and act on it, do we really know....No but God knows.
As the LONG ride home started Hero immediately jumped from the back seat to the middle where not only Olivia was sitting but Sam. Who do you think he was fascinated with....SAM. Maybe wishful thinking after hearing that ladys story at walmart, maybe God providing an intervention for Sam as well as Olivia, only time will tell. Hero seems very taken with Sam, but she doesn't quite feel the same but we all know that it's only a matter of time before Hero is everyone's favorite. The girls, the grandma and the dog are all home safe and sound tonight. Kelly has already begun introducing him to the surroundings, doing some work with him and Hero seems to be adjusting well.
We ask that you pray for the family as they began to learn to live with Hero, as they learn to understand his tasks set before him as he cares for Olivia and as everyone adjusts to there being another person in the family. As always we ask that you continue to pray for the girls for their healing, for peace for all three of them, for comfort as their lives are once again changing. Even though we know the change is a good thing, for children change isn't always easy. Please pray that as the day goes on, Kelly will be able to get some much needed rest, that the days are a little brighter and the nights a little longer.
We thank everyone who always does and always will say a prayer or pass along this blog. It means so much to the family to know that even people they dont know are being touched and those God fearing prayer warriors are praying for those precious girls. Thank you to all for the love and support that you show.

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Needed Prayers for Olivia
Well, it's official. Olivia is home, and we know everyone is happy and grateful for that. These last few days have proven very stressful for Olivia, Kelly and the rest of the family. We always think in our minds as parents, as friends, as caregivers of the ones we love that answers will be sought and found in a timely manner. God doesn't work that way so why should the team of medical doctors. We dont say God give us peace or give us fortune or give us healing and BOOM it's done. NO, we have to pray for God to give us peace and then continue to have faith, continue to trust and when the going gets tough, remember to turn it over to Him...again. The only thing that is instant with God is salvation. I am thankful for that! Well, Olivia went trough several days of EEG testing, hooked up to monitors, cameras and audio to capture any seizure she had no matter time, activity or level of noise in the room. It will take about 1-2 weeks for the neurologist to get the results of this test, as the epitologist has to read through mounds and mounds of papers, watch videos and mark seizures with the data collected. Some other tests were done as well at the request of the neurologist and the neurosurgeon which proved to be discouraging to Kelly. They are now looking at the possibility of Olivia having a genetic disorder that could very well be the number one cause to the problems of learning, speech, mobility and overall function.
As you can imagine, everyone was under the impression Olivia would go in for tests and come out with answers. Not so, but we do know that our God already knows the answers to the questions, already knows the solution to the problem and ultimately knows Olivia's goals and achievments set before her. After all, He created her for His glory, for His purpose and she is wonderfully made. It was discovered that there may be a problem trying to remove the tumor through the nose because of how the tumor is growing. The dr's did an ultrasound from Olivia's nose to her ear to determine the length and site of which it is growing. The results of this test as well as others will begin to come back within the next 2-3 weeks. Upon release from the hospital, Kelly was told to continue therapy as normal, work with Olivia as much as possible at home, continue radiation and love and cherish her daily. Although we dont want a new symptom or syndrome or another problem, Kelly does however want answers as I am sure so many of us who love, care and pray for this little girl do. This has been such a hard pill to swallow, but Kelly has faith, she understands Olivia isn't hers and knows there is a greater good in all of this. Olivia's life has purpose, Kelly's road she's on has a testimony at the end, and to God be the Glory for it all.
In these weeks to come, we ask that you continue to pray for everyone in this family. As it's hard to sit and look at the clock and watch minutes go by knowing it's weeks before the dr calls to give you results. Please continue to pray for Olivia that everyday she will show progress in her mobility, language and activity. Pray that no matter the outcome, whether there's an answer or another test ordered that Kelly will have acceptance, peace and continue to push forward. Please pray for Sam as she has begun to become ill from her chemo, and struggled deeply with Kelly being gone for a week. Pray healing for her little body that she can stay well and have a good day everyday! Please pray for Hannah as she is faced with being the big sister. It's hard to look at the two younger siblings and not be scared for their health, wondering if theyre ok, and still try to be as normal as a kid should be.
We also ask that you please pray for the whole family, the friends who help Kelly care for the girls that everyone may have strength to endure. Give them the peace and comfort that is needed to comfort the girls, and the words of encouragement and wisdom that is needed to let the girl's know that everything is OK. Thanks to all who on a daily basis pray for this family, help relieve Kelly in some way and pass on this blog to family and friends. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.......What if our blessings come through raindrops, what if our healing comes through tears.....Many a tear has been shed over these girls and we know what a blessing they are to have in our lives. What a blessing they are to Kelly. Thanks for all the love and support shown, thank you is such two simple words but means something greater than simple, to Kelly. Please pass on and know that you are granting a wish from a mother who wishes not for gold, or diamonds or a mansion on a hill but for prayers for her babies. May God Bless you all.
As you can imagine, everyone was under the impression Olivia would go in for tests and come out with answers. Not so, but we do know that our God already knows the answers to the questions, already knows the solution to the problem and ultimately knows Olivia's goals and achievments set before her. After all, He created her for His glory, for His purpose and she is wonderfully made. It was discovered that there may be a problem trying to remove the tumor through the nose because of how the tumor is growing. The dr's did an ultrasound from Olivia's nose to her ear to determine the length and site of which it is growing. The results of this test as well as others will begin to come back within the next 2-3 weeks. Upon release from the hospital, Kelly was told to continue therapy as normal, work with Olivia as much as possible at home, continue radiation and love and cherish her daily. Although we dont want a new symptom or syndrome or another problem, Kelly does however want answers as I am sure so many of us who love, care and pray for this little girl do. This has been such a hard pill to swallow, but Kelly has faith, she understands Olivia isn't hers and knows there is a greater good in all of this. Olivia's life has purpose, Kelly's road she's on has a testimony at the end, and to God be the Glory for it all.
In these weeks to come, we ask that you continue to pray for everyone in this family. As it's hard to sit and look at the clock and watch minutes go by knowing it's weeks before the dr calls to give you results. Please continue to pray for Olivia that everyday she will show progress in her mobility, language and activity. Pray that no matter the outcome, whether there's an answer or another test ordered that Kelly will have acceptance, peace and continue to push forward. Please pray for Sam as she has begun to become ill from her chemo, and struggled deeply with Kelly being gone for a week. Pray healing for her little body that she can stay well and have a good day everyday! Please pray for Hannah as she is faced with being the big sister. It's hard to look at the two younger siblings and not be scared for their health, wondering if theyre ok, and still try to be as normal as a kid should be.
We also ask that you please pray for the whole family, the friends who help Kelly care for the girls that everyone may have strength to endure. Give them the peace and comfort that is needed to comfort the girls, and the words of encouragement and wisdom that is needed to let the girl's know that everything is OK. Thanks to all who on a daily basis pray for this family, help relieve Kelly in some way and pass on this blog to family and friends. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.......What if our blessings come through raindrops, what if our healing comes through tears.....Many a tear has been shed over these girls and we know what a blessing they are to have in our lives. What a blessing they are to Kelly. Thanks for all the love and support shown, thank you is such two simple words but means something greater than simple, to Kelly. Please pass on and know that you are granting a wish from a mother who wishes not for gold, or diamonds or a mansion on a hill but for prayers for her babies. May God Bless you all.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Day 3's Journey for Olivia
Well little Olivia was seen this morning and as always, is full of energy and smiles. The dr's said the the seizures are looking like they are originating and causing damage to the speech/learning center of the brain. The tumor is on top of the paratoid gland which houses the nerves for speech, hearing and swallowing. The malformation is in the brain above the tumor.....Lots of pressure and things going on in that little brain and all on one side. The dr's are beginning to wonder if there is not an underlying cause or something that is cause number 1, and that these things aren't just adding to it. The dr's are going to call Olivia's neurologist, and discuss further testing. They said they are going to do bloodwork which will look for any genetic abnormailities, which is what they are leaning towards being a cause if not the main factor for these other problems. They are also going to consult the neurosurgeon to see if the scope needs to be done before all the other testing or if it needs to be done after everything else. Hopefully, Kelly and the family will have some peace out of what is decided today. This has got to be hard, hearing now it might be something else, it could be something else......Olivia is just carrying on like a trooper! Capturing the hearts of all who come in contact with her on a daily basis. Please continue to pray that in the midst of all this, she continues to go on without a care in the world. Her strength and happiness is a big part of what is keeping Kelly sane and calm throughout the days behind and the days ahead.
Please continue to pray for Kelly that she can endure even if the tests and dr's say, well we have to look at something else, or if they find something else. Any news on your child's health has to be hard, even if you say I dont care the outcome I just want answers. Please continue to pray for peace and comfort for the family.
Please pray for the family as they are caring for the girls. Sam is having a real hard time being away from Kelly, and Hannah is struggling as well. This has been a big adjustment for them. Even though the normal was going to hospital a few times a week, they were there, or were picked up in the afternoon from grandmas house and going home. They are without the comforts of home and mommy and its hard. Please pray that family has strength to care for the girls and give them as much comforts of home as they can.
We thank each and everyone who has continued to pray for this family, care for the children and pass along the updates and prayer requests. That is all Kelly ever wants. Just pray healing for those babies!! Your love, prayers and support are always so greatly appreciated, words cannot ever express how eternally grateful Kelly is. When you get a moment today, please say a little prayer for all the girls, lift them up to the Lord. Thanks to each of you who read this and pass it on. May God Bless you all.
Please continue to pray for Kelly that she can endure even if the tests and dr's say, well we have to look at something else, or if they find something else. Any news on your child's health has to be hard, even if you say I dont care the outcome I just want answers. Please continue to pray for peace and comfort for the family.
Please pray for the family as they are caring for the girls. Sam is having a real hard time being away from Kelly, and Hannah is struggling as well. This has been a big adjustment for them. Even though the normal was going to hospital a few times a week, they were there, or were picked up in the afternoon from grandmas house and going home. They are without the comforts of home and mommy and its hard. Please pray that family has strength to care for the girls and give them as much comforts of home as they can.
We thank each and everyone who has continued to pray for this family, care for the children and pass along the updates and prayer requests. That is all Kelly ever wants. Just pray healing for those babies!! Your love, prayers and support are always so greatly appreciated, words cannot ever express how eternally grateful Kelly is. When you get a moment today, please say a little prayer for all the girls, lift them up to the Lord. Thanks to each of you who read this and pass it on. May God Bless you all.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Continued Prayers for Olivia
Well the first night in TCH was interesting. Olivia was hooked up to all the monitors and the watch over her began about 2pm. She has seemed to adjust well to all the equipment, but is having a hard time with all the people that enter and exit the room. Late in the evening a few episodes were noted on the machines, and they were followed by vomiting. Kelly informed the nurse and the dr was called. At home, Kelly had been given medicine to give Olivia when she would have a seizure and vomit to help with the nausea afterwards. The drs that are caring for Olivia inpatient have decided not to give them to her. In the event there is something else causing the spell of vomiting, like pressure in the brain and not a seizure, they want to be able to see that. The goal is to see her as normal as possible in order to determine what or why is she having seizures. Boy talk about stressful. Olivia is in a small room having to carry around a backpack that weighs just about as much as her when she gets out of bed to play on floor with toys. Kelly is having to keep in her a small area of the room so she is in view of the cameras and cannot leave. This has got to be the most difficult thing to do, keep a 16 month old in one spot....Lord please give Kelly strength, patience and lots of creative ways to play! The scope will be done, but it's unsure when. Dr trying to determine things from the EEG readings first to see if there is other avenues that need to be explored. They have talked about doing genetic testing, and also looking for any other tumors that might be on major arteries in other parts of her body that could be causing problems. No definate answers as to why,when and how... Very discouraging as a parent to not have answers, very faithful as a Christian to say OK God, youre in charge and Im just along for the ride and to make sure the glory is given to you. Hopefully today brings new news, some answers and settled feelings for Kelly and the rest of family. We know that God is in control of this situation and it's hard to sit back let go and let God.
Please continue to pray for Kelly to have strength to endure each hour spent with little Olivia, patience to endure and carry on each day and a clear and open heart and mind to accept what god has planned. We all know that it is easier said then done. Please just continue to daily pray for this family.
Please pray for the family and friends caring for Hannah and Sam as they are away from Kelly and as their normal routines are no longer normal for them right now. God put your arms around them and help them feel loved and feel peace and comfort.
Thank you to everyone who reads the blog, gets the word out to pray and joins others together in praying these few requests. The love and support has been very appreciated from the family. It's nice to know that even if you are alone in a hospital room, in the small scheme of things you are surrounded by people who are loving, caring, and praying back little Olivia to health and total restoration. May God Bless each and everyone who reads, shares and prays!!
Please continue to pray for Kelly to have strength to endure each hour spent with little Olivia, patience to endure and carry on each day and a clear and open heart and mind to accept what god has planned. We all know that it is easier said then done. Please just continue to daily pray for this family.
Please pray for the family and friends caring for Hannah and Sam as they are away from Kelly and as their normal routines are no longer normal for them right now. God put your arms around them and help them feel loved and feel peace and comfort.
Thank you to everyone who reads the blog, gets the word out to pray and joins others together in praying these few requests. The love and support has been very appreciated from the family. It's nice to know that even if you are alone in a hospital room, in the small scheme of things you are surrounded by people who are loving, caring, and praying back little Olivia to health and total restoration. May God Bless each and everyone who reads, shares and prays!!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Prayers for Olivia
As a few know, Olivia will be admitted to Texas Childrens on Monday November 7 to undergo not only some testing, but a scope as well will be done through her nose to see if there is any way that all or some of the tumor in her brain can be removed. The doctors will also be looking to see if the steroids and the radiation have done any good. As you can imagine, this is going to be an extremely hard and stressful time not only on Kelly and Jeff but as the girls as well. No one is aware of the outcome of the situation if the doctors can remove anything, the recovery time or the process to care for Olivia. We do know that the Almighty God is TOTALLY AWARE of Olivia's needs and of the doctors desire to treat Olivia to the best of their ability. I ask that everyone who takes a moment to read this please take a moment this evening and in the days to come to lift up the family, little Olivia, the nurses and the doctors. Please pray for God's guidance to direct the doctors hands and hearts and minds on what can be done. Please pray for healing for little Olivia's body. We know that God can not only shrink this tumor but he can make it disappear, he can give her back her words. He has raised Lazarus, he gave sight to the blind, fed a multitude off a few loaves of bread and fish. My God can and will heal Olivia. My God can and will restore her to what He has intended for her to be. I've heard the story so many times that if you have faith, even as small as a mustard seed, thats enough faith for you to see the good works that God can do.
Updates will be posted on the blog as well as on facebook on Kelly's wall as to the condition of Olivia, prayer requests, Praises to God and any needs. Please also pray for Kelly's family and friends who will be caring for the girls while Kelly and Olivia are at the hospital. Please give them the strength to comfort the girls, words of encouragement where needed and pray that the girls have peace about Olivia.
Please pray for patience and understanding for Kelly. It's hard to be a mother of a sick child and having to wait for answers. We as humans want the instant gratification, we want things done immediately or we become angry. We as Christians, need to remember that all things are done in God's time, because we are doing His will not ours. We need to remember to have faith that the outcome will be what's right, whats supposed to be and what God has planned. We have to TRUST and OBEY.....
Do not be terrified....for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
I have filled him with the spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge. Exodus 31:3
Pray continually;give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:17,18
Updates will be posted on the blog as well as on facebook on Kelly's wall as to the condition of Olivia, prayer requests, Praises to God and any needs. Please also pray for Kelly's family and friends who will be caring for the girls while Kelly and Olivia are at the hospital. Please give them the strength to comfort the girls, words of encouragement where needed and pray that the girls have peace about Olivia.
Please pray for patience and understanding for Kelly. It's hard to be a mother of a sick child and having to wait for answers. We as humans want the instant gratification, we want things done immediately or we become angry. We as Christians, need to remember that all things are done in God's time, because we are doing His will not ours. We need to remember to have faith that the outcome will be what's right, whats supposed to be and what God has planned. We have to TRUST and OBEY.....
Do not be terrified....for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
I have filled him with the spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge. Exodus 31:3
Pray continually;give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:17,18
Monday, October 17, 2011
Update On Olivia and Sam
Well as some may know, we are delayed in about a week to two weeks on getting to bring Hero home. Somewhat disappointed but I know that God has a plan and only he knew what each day would bring. The trainer at Shadows For Life says he is doing extremely well on his commands to care for Olivia but was still excitable out in public and so therefore didnt pass his first state certified test. Praying for good news the end of this week that we get the OK to head to Dallas. As for news on Olivia. Olivia has started to have some seizures that have caused her to projectile vomit afterwards. Not a pretty picture. She went to the Er last weekend, and the neurologist was contacted and last week, Olivia started seizure meds. This has been upsetting because it seems as if we are taking steps backwards. I knew eventually she would be on them but was not prepared for the now. She is beginning to be taught sign language in speech therapy because she is having trouble vocalizing her wants. This is becoming very frustrating at times because I KNOW I need to stick to the signs everytime she wants something but she cries and cries and its so hard to not give in. I know in her own time, she will begin to do them without hesitation and learn the words as well, but we have a long way to go. I ask that you please continue to pray for her healing. We are almost halfway through with her first 12 rounds of radiation and steroids and then we go back to see neurosurgeon for complete workup to see if anything has changed whether it be for good or for bad. She is a child of God and she rests in His Hands and I pray that His will be done for her life and that no matter the outcomes, I am able to accept it, rise from it and live it. As for Sam, she has started an oral chemo med at home and is recieving radiation on her pelvis for the cancerous tumors on her lymph nodes. This has been a very hard pill to swallow. She is such a fun and energetic 3 year old and its so hard to explain to her that shes sick. She wants to know why does she sick in her throat, why does her legs hurt, why does she need that medicine....Its hard to explain to her and so the fight begins when she gets sores in her mouth and she has to take meds so she can eat, its hard to explain to her we cant go here or there because she has sores opening up on her body. How do you tell her??? I have done nothing but PRAY, PRAY, PRAY that God will just give her body comfort and rest. She has taught me so much about strength and living life to the fullest. Its amazing to me how God uses someone in your life to make you think about life. With all the help that I have recieved for the girls, its become very clear to me that even though I have felt very alone at times, my kids and I are part of the biggest and best family in the world. The family of God. What a feeling to feel, when nothing else seems to be, that is the one thing I hold onto. You dear family and friends can never fully understand how completely grateful I am to have each of you. From the emails I recieve, from the texts just to say hi, and from helping financially I am truly overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude. May God Bless each and everyone of you who have touched my family in such a special way.
I ask that you continue to pray for the girls. Hannah seems to be doing a little better with handling things and I know its because there are special people praying for her. Please continue to pray for the healing for the girls and for the doctors who are caring for them. Please pray for my continued strength to care for them daily and give me the peace I need to know that whatever decision I need to make in their care that I have the ultimate answer from God that this is what He wants for His child. More than anything, prayer is the ultimate gift and that is what I ask from each of you who read this blog, who help care for my kids during treatment days, who help in anyway.....PRAYER IS IT!!!
I ask that you continue to pray for the girls. Hannah seems to be doing a little better with handling things and I know its because there are special people praying for her. Please continue to pray for the healing for the girls and for the doctors who are caring for them. Please pray for my continued strength to care for them daily and give me the peace I need to know that whatever decision I need to make in their care that I have the ultimate answer from God that this is what He wants for His child. More than anything, prayer is the ultimate gift and that is what I ask from each of you who read this blog, who help care for my kids during treatment days, who help in anyway.....PRAYER IS IT!!!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
A Letter from Kelly
o To my church family, friends and people in the Crosby/Humble Community...You have no idea what it meant to me when we started unloading baked goods, when I saw people bringing goods with their children and then buying what someone else made. My heart was overcome with emotion. I have been fighting illness with Sam, my 3 year old since October of 2010. I thought to myself and asked why....why God do you think I can deal with this? I’m not someone who handles problems well. In the past, I was someone who strayed from you for years, who went against everything I knew you wanted for me. WHY ME!!! Needless to say, He never answered that question and then in June of 2011 when the youngest Olivia was 1, she was diagnosed with a malformation in the artery in her brain. I thought to myself OH NO, here we go again and once again found myself asking the question I knew would never be answered, WHY. On a routine trip for a checkup, an inoperable tumor was found in Olivia's brain. Since the beginning, of both children’s illnesses, things have changed dramatically. Sam has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and is undergoing radiation and oral chemo. Olivia is receiving radiation on the tumor in her brain and steroids for her swelling in the brain. She has seizures, and has begun to regress in her eating skills and communication skills. When Michelle said we were doing a bake sale, I was overjoyed! Even to get enough to offset the cost of traveling was going to be the best news for me. A young child made a sign that said "Help Bring Hero Home", as it sat outside Arlan’s, people would ask what the sale was for and others would begin to listen as Michelle told the story of Olivia. We had people writing $100 checks, giving $100 bills, people coming from Humble with a van full of women and spending well over $100. The outcome was AMAZING!! Had it not been GOD, I never would have thought we would have ended up with what we did. Whoever says God does not provide all our needs has never met a church family full of Faith in God, full of never-ending prayer and full of God's unconditional love for others like First Baptist Church Crosby. Through everyone's help, the funds were raised to pick up Hero on the 18th of this month, the funds are available to have all travel expenses for that trip paid, there are funds to pay for BOTH Sam and Olivia's treatments and medicines for a month and we have been able to order the ID tags and Service vest that Hero has to have in order to go in public with Olivia. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!! At the end of the night when the bake sale was over, I was at home with the girls in bed and couldn’t stop crying. Then all of a sudden I could hear myself breathe. I could actually breathe. I now know that without a doubt in about two weeks, Hero, named well by Hannah would become my Hero. No longer will I be up all night watching Olivia. I can rest, I can breathe, I can cook my family a meal without it taking hours because I stop every 5 minutes to check on Olivia. My faith was truly tested and once again I found myself on my knees asking God to forgive me for my doubts. I am blessed that God chose me to care for HIS children Sam and Olivia while he plans out their life. I am blessed that He allowed me to be the one to show them of God’s love not only through me but through the generosity of all His other children. I am blessed and honored to know that through this there will be 3 totally awesome testimonies used ONLY for GOD’S GLORY!!! You all have touched my life in an unforgettable way and I will forever be thankful. You have made a difference in my children's lives as well. I’m reminded of a post on facebook I saw "You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you" I can never repay all the love and prayer and generosity that came from such wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ, but everyone will always be special to me and hold dear places in my heart.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people Galatians 6:10
Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children Ephesians 5:1
I thank you all again so much and ask that as always, please pray for my family for healing for the girls, for patience and understanding for Hannah and for rest and guidance as I continue to care for God's children every day. Me and my family love you all.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people Galatians 6:10
Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children Ephesians 5:1
I thank you all again so much and ask that as always, please pray for my family for healing for the girls, for patience and understanding for Hannah and for rest and guidance as I continue to care for God's children every day. Me and my family love you all.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tears come to my eyes as I type this. Oh me of little faith, I was hoping to just raise half of what Kelly and her family needed to get Olivia's seizure dog. God had much bigger plans however. Tonight alone, we were able to raise over $1800!! (The total came in at $2,178.05) The generosity of all those who baked, donated and bought items was absolutely overwhelming. Kelly and I were both brought to tears on more than one occasion as we saw God's provision through His people. We even got to the giddy school girl phase of excitement. But God didn't stop there. In addition to the Arlan's bake sale, Jeff, Olivia's dad, held a bake sale at work and was also able to raise money. This will go to expenses for travel and lodging when they go to pick up Hero and go for his other trainings. About every 90 days Kelly and Livi will have to take Hero back to the trainer to make sure his certification and tests are current. So as you can imagine, there will be costs for travel, lodging and food when they go to Dallas. BUT....GOD still isn't finished. Tomorrow Huffman ISD is holding a district wide bake sale to help raise funds for the Gants!! As I write this, I am still getting chills...our GOD is so great and so goes beyond what we even hope for. He knows the needs of this precious family. HE knows that parking each week is over $50, not to mention the copays for both girls to go to the doctor, therapies, and treatments. HE knows the financial stress on this family and HE continues to provide. I am certain that this is but the first step. God is faithful to provide as the Gant's will have another mouth to feed with Hero and another family member to care for. I am humbled to serve such an amazing Creator, Provider, Father. Please, please, continue to send up prayers for Olivia, Samantha, Kelly, Jeff and Hannah. God hears our cries and has proven once again that HE is always there for us. A big thank you again to all who helped by baking and donating at the sale tonight. Kelly was in awe of the generosity of everyone. Keep praying my dear friends and watch as God does amazing things!!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
We are having a bake sale!!
Calling all bakers, I need some help!! Kelly and family are soon to welcome home Hero, Olivia's seizure dog. He will soon finish his first round of training, and we need help raising the funds to pay for everything. Right now, the costs for the dog add up to about $1800. In an effort to raise this money, I am hosting a bake sale at Arlan's Market in Crosby this Thursday, October 6 from 4-8pm. You may wonder how you can help...well there are a few ways. Please consider donating baked goods of any kind. You can either contact me, Michelle Holloway at 281-923-5617 or you can bring them to church (FBC Crosby) Wednesday night or Thursday morning if that is more convenient. You can also help by attending the bake sale and purchasing some yummy goodies. If you would just like to make a financial contribution, you can either click on the donate button on the left side of your screen, make a donation at Community Bank of Texas under the name Gant Girls, or simply contact me via the number above or email me at mholloway@fbccrosby.net. As always, Kelly, Jeff and the girls appreciate all the prayers that you lift up for them. I will be updating the blog again soon as to the week to week schedule for the girls and needs that come along with their treatments. I want to thank you in advance for your prayers and participation in helping meet this need in a precious girls life. This dog will help not only to alert Kelly to the seizures, but Hero is also trained to get Olivia out of the seizures quicker so as to hopefully cause less damage to her brain.
Thank you so much,
Thank you so much,
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Olivia starts radiation
Well as you know, with the tumor that has now been discovered in Olivia's brain she has started a 12 week round of radiation treatments along with steroids. This treatment is in the hopes that the tumor will shrink or at the least, not grow anymore and hoping that this will reduce some of the swelling in the brain. CT scans are being ran throughout these treatments in order to follow the growth of not only the tumor, but the malformation in the artery in her brain. Olivia has seemed to do well with her first round of steroids and radiation but there has been some changes due to the swelling in her brain as well due to the seizures she is having. Olivia is still a very happy little girl, but she is beginning to show signs of regression. Her balance is becoming more unstable than before, where she used to say several words she now just mostly babbles. She has drooping on the right side of her face, and her eating has become less than what it used to be. The doctors told Kelly that because of the tumor being within a milimeter of the paratoid gland, these things were sure to happen as well as some other problems but it was not certain of when these things would become a reality. The neurologist has ordered more physical, occupational and speech therapy in order to keep her going physically and keep the constant learning. As you can imagine, this has been extremely hard not only for Kelly and Jeff but for the girls. Kelly has to bear the whole responsibility of caring for Olivia. She goes back and forth from recognizing people, to not remembering who someone is. This is heartbreaking for everyone. Also, not knowing truly how many seizures a day she is having is hard because there is damage being done from them and Kelly feels helpless that she doesnt know each and everyone, where she can alert Olivia to come to. Thats where we are so thankful that in a few weeks, "HERO" will be at home with little Olivia and begin to help her.
We ask that you please continue to pray for Olivia and the family. Everyday is hard on everyone. What will Olivia do today, what or whom she will forget. Please continue to pray for healing for precious Olivia, pray that as she continues to endure the treatments the side effects of the radiation and steroids will be minimal and she will begin to show signs of improvement.Please pray for strength for Jeff and Kelly that as each day brings new challenges, they are able to face them with Gods help and make each day count and that each of the girls are ok at the end of the day.
Please pray for the doctors that monitor Olivia on a weekly basis, that they may have insight on what to do next and that they will continue to care for Olivia to the best of their abilities. Pray that the doctors are men and women of God and that they ultimatley do Gods will in the care and treatment of Olivia.
We ask that you please continue to pray for Olivia and the family. Everyday is hard on everyone. What will Olivia do today, what or whom she will forget. Please continue to pray for healing for precious Olivia, pray that as she continues to endure the treatments the side effects of the radiation and steroids will be minimal and she will begin to show signs of improvement.Please pray for strength for Jeff and Kelly that as each day brings new challenges, they are able to face them with Gods help and make each day count and that each of the girls are ok at the end of the day.
Please pray for the doctors that monitor Olivia on a weekly basis, that they may have insight on what to do next and that they will continue to care for Olivia to the best of their abilities. Pray that the doctors are men and women of God and that they ultimatley do Gods will in the care and treatment of Olivia.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Newest Addition
Well, all I can say is Praise God, Praise God from whom all blessings flow.....As you know we had posted a prayer request for a seizure dog for Olivia. Thought it sounded like a strange request, but knew that as God's people saw the need and began to pray, that when it was time met, it would be met. Through dear sweet friend, a blog was posted on her page and a friend saw the need and thought of another friend....As the phone tag game started, a wonderful Constable Bobby Thurman gave a phone call and offered up a 5 month old registered black lab. God does answer prayer!!!!! The dog was donated free of charge to Olivia, and so began the next journey. Tuesday, Kelly and Olivia picked up the new addition to the family whom Hannah very cleverly named HERO....So now as a trio, Kelly, Olivia and Hero left for Dallas and headed to Shadows For Life, a service dog training facility who is going to train Hero to alert the family of when Olivia is having a seizure and to get her out of one as quick as possible, as well as be her best friend to help her deal with the continued trials that she will go through. The trip to Dallas was quick trip but it was obvious that Hero and Olivia were meant to be together. At the training facility, the trainer watched as Olivia interacted with Hero to see how his tempermant was. It was no surprise, that Hero knew he belonged to Olivia. He followed her every move, and when he was put in his crate, the tables turned and Olivia stayed right with him....
The training will be from 6-8 weeks and then the family will travel back to Dallas to reunite with Hero and bring him home and learn to integrate him into the daily routine of Olivia. He will be with her 24/7 from doctor visits, to visits at grandmas, to baths and bed. This is going to be a very new process for everyone to get used to. Please pray that as the family prepares for this new addition, that there will be peace. Please pray that as Hero learns Olivia and her every move that he will do wonders for her and that Kelly and Jeff will feel some since of peace and a little lighter load being carried. Please pray for the trainers, who will prepare Hero for his daily duties with Olivia that they have the wisdom for training him to meet her needs.
Kelly is eternally grateful to everyone for the prayers for Olivia and her needs. She is also very grateful to the few friends who made it possible for this precious gift to be recieved. Thank you to those who continue to pray for Olivia and the entire family, the prayers are greatly appreciated and the best want that Kelly asks for from others....PRAY PRAY PRAY
The Thurman family who donated Hero to Olivia, Shadows For Life who is training Hero and to the ones who connected the need through prayers, facebook and phone calls, your in hearts and minds forever.
Whatever you will ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you. John 16:23
The training will be from 6-8 weeks and then the family will travel back to Dallas to reunite with Hero and bring him home and learn to integrate him into the daily routine of Olivia. He will be with her 24/7 from doctor visits, to visits at grandmas, to baths and bed. This is going to be a very new process for everyone to get used to. Please pray that as the family prepares for this new addition, that there will be peace. Please pray that as Hero learns Olivia and her every move that he will do wonders for her and that Kelly and Jeff will feel some since of peace and a little lighter load being carried. Please pray for the trainers, who will prepare Hero for his daily duties with Olivia that they have the wisdom for training him to meet her needs.
Kelly is eternally grateful to everyone for the prayers for Olivia and her needs. She is also very grateful to the few friends who made it possible for this precious gift to be recieved. Thank you to those who continue to pray for Olivia and the entire family, the prayers are greatly appreciated and the best want that Kelly asks for from others....PRAY PRAY PRAY
The Thurman family who donated Hero to Olivia, Shadows For Life who is training Hero and to the ones who connected the need through prayers, facebook and phone calls, your in hearts and minds forever.
Whatever you will ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you. John 16:23
Update on Visit to ENT with Olivia
Well, Kelly and Olivia embarked on a day long visit to the ENT last week in hopes to get some answers on this tumor, and some uplifiting news that things would be ok...That was simply not the case. The ENT decided to order an ultrasound of her own to look at from different angles and to compare to the ones previously taken at Texas Childrens. As it appeared from all the tests done on Olivia, the tumor is sandwhiched in between the malformation in her brain and the paratoid gland. We were told that the tumor is inoperable....The dr said to imagine the tumor as a piece of lunchmeat and the malformation and the gland as the bread, she asked can you remove the meat without disturbing the bread??? No, but we know that not to be true. God, the ultimate healer can remove that tumor and heal her brain, and we pray and believe that! Olivia will face many obstacles as she lives with this tumor. Due to the fact that its above the paratoid gland, it can cause for her to loose her hearing in the right ear, loose feeling on the right side of her face, cause her problems with swallowing and with her speech. Due to not knowing if the tumor has been there and just became big enough to see or if the tumor just started to grow, the Dr's are unaware if its at its point of growth or if it's still growing. Therefore, Kelly was sent home with steroids and Olivia began them and will take them for 15 days, then she will recieve radiation on the tumor twice a week for two weeks, then will repeat the steroids and radiation then see the dr again to see if the tumor is shrinking. Depending on the outcome of these treatments and the followup, it will be determined whether another round of treatment is needed at that time. The main concern is the hope to stop the tumor from growing, shrink it and in the process of the radiation, hopefully hit the malformation and cause the swelling in her brain to go down and keep it from pushing up any further into the main artery in her brain.
This has proven to be a very difficult time for Kelly, Olivia and everyone involved as you can well imagine. Kelly feels like Olivia's life just dangles on a daily basis not only not knowing what each new day brings but wondering and worrying as how to deal with this and care for Sam and Hannah as well. Please continue to pray for peace not only for Kelly and Jeff but for the girls. Pray for understanding, that they might try to help Olivia everyday to continue to thrive and to be a happy little girl who loves life and eveyone in it! Pray for the Dr''s that they be given the knowledge to know what needs to be done for Olivia in her daily treatments as well as long term treatments.
Kelly especially appreciates everyone who keeps up with the blog and says a little prayer for Olivia and the girls, everyday. Prayer is the most precious gift anyone can give, and at this point that is all she feels she can give as well. Please continue to be in prayer for the digitrace test that is being ordered for Olivia. Please pray that provisions will be met and that insurance will cover this costly test that the Neurologist feels Olivia needs. It will determine by watching her for 72 hours what she is doing when she's having seizures and how often she is having them, because as you can imagine, it is impossible for kelly to watch her 24/7 and mark and monitor every seizure. We thank everyone who gets the word out about this blog and asks others as well to pray. When two or more are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20
This has proven to be a very difficult time for Kelly, Olivia and everyone involved as you can well imagine. Kelly feels like Olivia's life just dangles on a daily basis not only not knowing what each new day brings but wondering and worrying as how to deal with this and care for Sam and Hannah as well. Please continue to pray for peace not only for Kelly and Jeff but for the girls. Pray for understanding, that they might try to help Olivia everyday to continue to thrive and to be a happy little girl who loves life and eveyone in it! Pray for the Dr''s that they be given the knowledge to know what needs to be done for Olivia in her daily treatments as well as long term treatments.
Kelly especially appreciates everyone who keeps up with the blog and says a little prayer for Olivia and the girls, everyday. Prayer is the most precious gift anyone can give, and at this point that is all she feels she can give as well. Please continue to be in prayer for the digitrace test that is being ordered for Olivia. Please pray that provisions will be met and that insurance will cover this costly test that the Neurologist feels Olivia needs. It will determine by watching her for 72 hours what she is doing when she's having seizures and how often she is having them, because as you can imagine, it is impossible for kelly to watch her 24/7 and mark and monitor every seizure. We thank everyone who gets the word out about this blog and asks others as well to pray. When two or more are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
A New Addition to the Blog and A New Doctor
If you look to your left you will see a DONATIONS BUTTON!! You can click this button and use your credit card or paypal account to donate to the girls medical needs. You may ask, what will this money be used for. The most pressing needs now are for Olivia. The Lord provided a dog to be trained as a seizure dog, but they now are trying to get the money together to have it trained. The dog will go to a trainer for a period of about 6 weeks to be trained. Also, as you read it a previous post, Olivia will be seeing a new doctor this week to determine how to treat the tumor on her brain. The doctor they were referred to is not in their network, so their copays will go up tremendously. These are some of the immediate needs. If you would like to donate in person, an account has been set up at Community Bank of Texas in Crosby. It is called Gant Girls.
We are still awaiting test results for Samantha as well. Please be in prayer about this and if you can help in any way it will be much appreciated. As Kelly has always said however, your most valued gift is that of prayer. Please be in prayer this week for the girls' doctors. Pray for wisdom and insight in to how to treat them and pray also for Kelly and Jeff as they ultimately have the final say in how their daughters are treated. Pray for peace and rest for Kelly, as you can imagine this is all so very overwhelming. It is only by the grace of Almighty God that she gets through each day, and she is so thankful for all of your prayers and encouragement.
We are still awaiting test results for Samantha as well. Please be in prayer about this and if you can help in any way it will be much appreciated. As Kelly has always said however, your most valued gift is that of prayer. Please be in prayer this week for the girls' doctors. Pray for wisdom and insight in to how to treat them and pray also for Kelly and Jeff as they ultimately have the final say in how their daughters are treated. Pray for peace and rest for Kelly, as you can imagine this is all so very overwhelming. It is only by the grace of Almighty God that she gets through each day, and she is so thankful for all of your prayers and encouragement.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Prayers for Olivia
This week Olivia had her routine ultrasound to check the malformation in the artery in her brain. As they were doing the ultrasound, they saw something else. After checking from numerous angles, they discovered a benign tumor. The tumor is located underneath the malformation in the parotid gland and is pressing on her brain, which is not good. Dr. Lebron, Livi's neurologist said they will need to see an ENT immediately. The ENT is necessary because the location of the tumor affects the ear, nose and throat region. Dr. Lebron feels that surgery is VERY LIKELY at this point, it is just a question of when and how, but as she said they will consult the ENT to make the final decisions on how to care for this tumor. They are hoping to see the ENT Monday.
Dr. Lebron has also decided to run a more extensive test on Olivia to try to pinpoint causes for her seizures. Livi will be hooked up to a monitor and machines on her head 24 hours a day for a period of 3 days. They will monitor her seizures and determine if there are certain triggers causing them. They are also trying to detemine if she is developing epilepsy from the malformation. Upon diagnosis, the doctors told Kelly that as the malformation grew, it would be likely that Livi would develop epilepsy. Please be in prayer for this test, Dr. Lebron said it is hard to get approved through insurance because it requires monitoring from a nurse and doctor around the clock in the home with video cameras and EEG equipment. As you can imagine, this testing is quite costly but she feels it is in Olivia's best interest to have it done. Please pray it will be approved by insurance.
As you can imagine, getting this news was very frightening for Kelly. The thought of Olivia having brain surgery is terrifying. Please be in prayer for this family. Pray that God will remove the tumor and surgery will not be necessary. Pray that if that is not the case, that God will guide the doctors as they decide the best course of action for Livi. Please pray for Kelly, for peace, for rest and for wisdom as to what to do next. Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Dr. Lebron has also decided to run a more extensive test on Olivia to try to pinpoint causes for her seizures. Livi will be hooked up to a monitor and machines on her head 24 hours a day for a period of 3 days. They will monitor her seizures and determine if there are certain triggers causing them. They are also trying to detemine if she is developing epilepsy from the malformation. Upon diagnosis, the doctors told Kelly that as the malformation grew, it would be likely that Livi would develop epilepsy. Please be in prayer for this test, Dr. Lebron said it is hard to get approved through insurance because it requires monitoring from a nurse and doctor around the clock in the home with video cameras and EEG equipment. As you can imagine, this testing is quite costly but she feels it is in Olivia's best interest to have it done. Please pray it will be approved by insurance.
As you can imagine, getting this news was very frightening for Kelly. The thought of Olivia having brain surgery is terrifying. Please be in prayer for this family. Pray that God will remove the tumor and surgery will not be necessary. Pray that if that is not the case, that God will guide the doctors as they decide the best course of action for Livi. Please pray for Kelly, for peace, for rest and for wisdom as to what to do next. Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Prayers for Samantha
Samantha's recent checkup showed some problems that need to be addressed. The doctors have decided to run more tests and do more extensive bloodwork so that better decisions can be made as to how to progress with her treatments, or if other avenues will need to be explored. Please continue to lift Samantha up in your prayers. Pray for guidance for the doctors and for Kelly and Jeff as they make important decisions for Sam's health. Pray for strength and wisdom for Kelly as she navigates these treacherous waters and as she tries to help her daughters through it as well. Pray that Samantha's body will strengthen and fight, but also that she might experience complete healing, as only the Lord can provide. Please pray that through all this God will be glorified and the light of Christ will shine through the Gant family as they weather this storm.
A Call for Prayer....please Pray, Pray, Pray for these sweet girls!
As you read in previous posts, Samantha and Olivia underwent testing this week. The news Kelly received was less than favorable. The details are not available at this time, but it is imperative that we pray for both Sam and Livi. Please add these sweet girls to your prayer list and lift them up to the Father. Kelly and Jeff need your support as do all of the girls. Kelly values and treasures you prayers more than words can say, and she is desperate for those prayers now. Thank you in advance for you love and support, but most importantly your PRAYERS!! Updates will be posted as soon as possible.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Pray Day for SAM....checkup at TCH
Please be in prayer tomorrow for Sam...Kelly and Sam will be spending the day at TCH getting scans done and visiting with the Dr's. This visit will be to determine if Sam can and when she will be able to start up treatments again or what other course of action will be taken. Sam has had somewhat of an enjoyable summer even though she hasn;t been able to get out and enjoy all the luxuries like most kids, she still remains in good spirits and loves playing with her sisters, and visiting mawmaw and pawpaw!! It has been hard on little sam to not just get to go to the museum, chuck e cheese, the mall or places where lots gather due to the fact that she has no immune system to fight even the smallest cold. Other than the normal boughts of vomiting/diarrhea, occasional fever, sores on her body, or loss of appetite that she deals with on a normal basis, sam has remained ok during the summer....that has been a PRAISE GOD in itself! We know God CAN and WILL heal little sam and she will carry a great testimony through her suffering and healing.
Please pray that the doctors will be led by God's will to be done in sams life regarding treatment now and actions later. That they will listen to and be open to God's wants and desires and not the "normal" routine that so many doctors follow for treatment of patients.
Please pray that as the day goes on, Kelly has the strength to endure whatever the doctors have to offer about sams health, treatments and outcomes. Give her the knowledge to know that God is with her through this and so are we as her Christian family. God tells us that by his footprints in the sand, when the two sets became one it is because then that He carried Us....
For I know the plans I have for you-this is the Lord's declaration-plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Please pray that the doctors will be led by God's will to be done in sams life regarding treatment now and actions later. That they will listen to and be open to God's wants and desires and not the "normal" routine that so many doctors follow for treatment of patients.
Please pray that as the day goes on, Kelly has the strength to endure whatever the doctors have to offer about sams health, treatments and outcomes. Give her the knowledge to know that God is with her through this and so are we as her Christian family. God tells us that by his footprints in the sand, when the two sets became one it is because then that He carried Us....
For I know the plans I have for you-this is the Lord's declaration-plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Supporting the Gant Family
As you can imagine, the cost of caring for Samantha and Olivia's needs can be quite extensive. Although insurance is in place, they still do not pay for everything. An account has been set up at Community Bank of Texas in Crosby for the girls. The name of the account is "Gant Girls". If you would like to send financial support, anything would be greatly appreciated. As you know, funds are currently needed to have the wonderful dog God provided to be trained to be a seizure alert dog for Olivia. Thank you all for your continued prayers, they mean so much to Kelly and her family, and are your greatest gift of all. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment or contact Michelle Holloway at mholloway@fbccrosby.net or via facebook. Thank you all!
Seek, Ask, Knock...He Provides
All that comes to mind is that little song we all heard over and over as a child. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, Ask and it shall be given unto you, Knock and the door shall be opened unto you....What a glorious song. Enough said. Well the word was put out that Olivia needed a seizure dog, and as caring christians begin to read, and feel the need in their hearts, messages began to be sent out on facebook and a faithful follower of the Lord answered the call. Through a friend, a constable with Precint 4 heard of Olivia's need and just so happened to have a 5 month old registered black lab that he was willing to donate.....Yes I said it DONATE! This dog was a pure bred dog and runs in price anywhere from 1500-2500. He was the last one to be sold, had other interested parties, and the Lord put it on his heart to give it to Olivia. Yesterday, Kelly and Olivia went and met the dog, his owner and his wonderful family. The dog has been around this officer's children and is very affectionate, very gentle and from a good bloodline so he is very intelligent. Olivia seemed taken with the dog, he put his paws in her lap and sat as still as a mouse while she played with him. Along with what a relief this is to have recieved the news that Kelly has a dog for Olivia comes some fears, some life changing responsibilities and situations for everyone involved. Now the next step becomes to get with the trainer, get references to make SURE that the training this dog will need can be fulfilled and that the money that people will raise to help send this dog to training won't be wasted on what someone says they can do...
Please be in prayer that Jeff and Kelly will have the peace they need to KNOW that this is the right dog, this is the right trainer and that things will continue to fall into place and God's will ultimately be done in little Olivia's life. This has been a very dificult time wondering as a mother for Kelly, am I doing the best for Olivia, what more can I do, am I failing by not being able to give everything that is asked of me??? We can't question God's word and His plan for us. If we have faith, enough faith as small as a mustard seed than that's all we need to know that God WILL provide, God Will fulfill all our needs, God WILL walk beside us and carry us when we can't walk no more. I pray that the faith in God continues to grow everyday in Kelly, Jeff and the girls. I pray that they will begin to see the good works and have a peace that what they are doing is the best for Olivia and praying is the ultimate gift for her....God hears our thoughts, he hears our cries, he hears our prayers.
Please be in prayer that Jeff and Kelly will have the peace they need to KNOW that this is the right dog, this is the right trainer and that things will continue to fall into place and God's will ultimately be done in little Olivia's life. This has been a very dificult time wondering as a mother for Kelly, am I doing the best for Olivia, what more can I do, am I failing by not being able to give everything that is asked of me??? We can't question God's word and His plan for us. If we have faith, enough faith as small as a mustard seed than that's all we need to know that God WILL provide, God Will fulfill all our needs, God WILL walk beside us and carry us when we can't walk no more. I pray that the faith in God continues to grow everyday in Kelly, Jeff and the girls. I pray that they will begin to see the good works and have a peace that what they are doing is the best for Olivia and praying is the ultimate gift for her....God hears our thoughts, he hears our cries, he hears our prayers.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Day of Rest.......
Well as you know, Olivia recieved her helmet monday a week ago and was to start a schedule and by wednesday of last week was to begin sleeping in it. Didn't happen. It was hours up all day, hours up all night and finally after complete exhaustion the helmet came off and Olivia slept. Guilt riddled Kelly, am I making a bad decision, is it worth putting her into a seizure by the constant crying, if its off for 7 or 8 hours instead of 1 will this cause damage......Night two came and the same thing, screaming continued and eventually the helmet came off. This continued until day 7.....and how ironic, the sabbath, the day the Lord declared as a day of rest, Olivia rested. After 7 days in the helmet, fighting to pull it off, no sleeping, and constant scratching, she remained in the helmet all day and all night. Praise God!!! Prayers really do work but you have to be totally willing to surrender......Though Olivia was up all through the night and watched several movies during her awake time, she slept in the helmet, napped in the helmet and it has gotten a little easier each day.
We would like to continue to thank everyone for all the continued prayers and support for Olivia and the rest of the family. This is not an easy walk that they face as a family, but having friends and family who are willing to get the word out about needs for this precious girl, and ultimately giving the best gift of all which is a simple prayer to our Lord means so much to everyone who loves this little girl and cares so deeply for her. She has many needs that will follow, getting and training a seizure response dog, nurse help in the home and continued therapy. Please pass this blog onto your family and friends in the hopes that when two or more join together in agreement with the Lord, we can KNOW that our prayers are not only heard but already answered and Olivia shall and will be healed in HIS name!
But may the God of all grace who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered awhile perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you. 1 Peter 5:10
We would like to continue to thank everyone for all the continued prayers and support for Olivia and the rest of the family. This is not an easy walk that they face as a family, but having friends and family who are willing to get the word out about needs for this precious girl, and ultimately giving the best gift of all which is a simple prayer to our Lord means so much to everyone who loves this little girl and cares so deeply for her. She has many needs that will follow, getting and training a seizure response dog, nurse help in the home and continued therapy. Please pass this blog onto your family and friends in the hopes that when two or more join together in agreement with the Lord, we can KNOW that our prayers are not only heard but already answered and Olivia shall and will be healed in HIS name!
But may the God of all grace who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered awhile perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you. 1 Peter 5:10
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Followup from seizures
Olivia was taken to Texas Children's for her followup tests to check for any seizure activity and damage to her brain due to the seizures she had the past weekend. During the EEG she had a few pedi mal seizures as she slept. The test also showed some shadowing on her right frontal lobe. The neurosurgeon was called in to watch her during the testing and was to see Olivia afterwards. There is damage to her little brain but to what extent and what she will encounter from this is unknown. At this time she is still babbling, playing and showing she is as happy as can be under the circumstances. However, she is still young to determine the severity of the damage. The Dr. said the damage could very well be physical and motor which is an easy fix, but only time will tell. The oncologist should be making a recommendation on a treatment plan for Olivia so she can start her radiation to keep down the swelling. This is not at all an insurance that the malformatin will shrink, or that the seizures will stop. Only God can insure that she be healed, and with prayers we know she will be! The malformation seems to continue to grow which is worrysome because this can result in more problems down the line. None of which we like to think about but scary enough that we should pray for God's hand over her body to prevent the blindness, to prevent the aneurism.
We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and prayers for Olivia as well as for the rest of the family. Please continue to pray for the girls to have peace, comfort and understanding during this time where Olivia has to adjust to not only wearing the helmet to move her skull into place, but the continued trips to the Drs and all the testing that comes with it. It is hard for the girls to understand that today is not a day to go to the park, swim in their pool, or bake cookies, today we have to go to the dr....they have a hard time with that. Please pray for Kelly to have the strength to continue to care daily for the girls, to be able to have peace that what she is doing is the best she can do, and to continue to look to God for wisdom, and strength and the courage to face each day with whatever obstacles arise.
Do not be terrified...for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and prayers for Olivia as well as for the rest of the family. Please continue to pray for the girls to have peace, comfort and understanding during this time where Olivia has to adjust to not only wearing the helmet to move her skull into place, but the continued trips to the Drs and all the testing that comes with it. It is hard for the girls to understand that today is not a day to go to the park, swim in their pool, or bake cookies, today we have to go to the dr....they have a hard time with that. Please pray for Kelly to have the strength to continue to care daily for the girls, to be able to have peace that what she is doing is the best she can do, and to continue to look to God for wisdom, and strength and the courage to face each day with whatever obstacles arise.
Do not be terrified...for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Helmet Woes
So Monday, Olivia received her helmet. As you can imagine, this adds a little frustration to her life. Although this is a necessary evil, it is bothersome to her for now. She exhausted herself clawing at it with her arms and legs. Please pray for this adjustment time. Pray that she will begin to tolerate the helmet and it will just become a part of her. Please also pray for Kelly as she must force her daughter to wear it even when it causes her stress. Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Olivia's Seizures
So the day they said might come, came yesterday. As Olivia and her oldest sister Hannah were playing on the floor together, Livi all of the sudden went blank. She looked like a ghost and was completely unresponsive to Hannah and Kelly for a minute or so. Then all of the sudden she came out of it and looked and her mom and sister like, "Where did y'all come from?" She went on playing and Kelly called Dr. LeBron. They said to continue to monitor her and if it happened again to call. Well around 7, they put her to bed with her bottle and walked out. They knew Livi was drinking her bottle and watching tv and all of the sudden they heard a thud. They ran in to find Livi laying against the crib. One eye was open, one was closed. The open eye was twitching. Again she did not respond to her mommy or daddy trying to wake her. Then all of the sudden she snapped out of it, but then just turned over and went back to sleep. They called Dr. LeBron again and were told to bring her in.
Kelly rushed her to the ER and waited and waited. She finally consulted with neurology and they confirmed it was seizures as she had suspected. As of right now, there appears to be no damage, but doctors say it can take up to 72 hours after an episode for the damage to be seen. Therefore, Livi will have a followup cat scan and EEG next week.
Also, the malformation in her artery appears to have gotten bigger since her last CT scan. Doctors are saying it could be the cause of her seizure. At this point, they are at a loss. She is really too small to treat with seizure medications, so doctors are weighing the risks.
Please be in prayer for this little girl and her sweet family.As you can imagine the stress on Kelly and Jeff is enormous. Hannah and Samantha were also both home to witness these seizures and are very worried about their sister. As you can imagine, it was a very scary time. Please pray for peace for the girls, and also that when this happens Livi won't be scared, that she will have some understanding that she is ok. Doctors have said that these seizures will most likely continue although there is no way of predicting, when, where or how many.
Please also be in prayer for the seizure dog. We have found a place in Houston that will train a dog in a matter of weeks. (most waiting lists are at least a year) This will be a little costly, so we plan on doing fundraising in the near future...more to come on this. Please also be on the lookout for a full bred, papered dog. It must be at least a year old and of golden retriever, labordor, or german sheperd breed. If you know anyone that would be willing to donate such an animal, please let us know. If we get a dog donated, that will reduce the costs as well. Thank you so much and please, most importantly, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!
Kelly rushed her to the ER and waited and waited. She finally consulted with neurology and they confirmed it was seizures as she had suspected. As of right now, there appears to be no damage, but doctors say it can take up to 72 hours after an episode for the damage to be seen. Therefore, Livi will have a followup cat scan and EEG next week.
Also, the malformation in her artery appears to have gotten bigger since her last CT scan. Doctors are saying it could be the cause of her seizure. At this point, they are at a loss. She is really too small to treat with seizure medications, so doctors are weighing the risks.
Please be in prayer for this little girl and her sweet family.As you can imagine the stress on Kelly and Jeff is enormous. Hannah and Samantha were also both home to witness these seizures and are very worried about their sister. As you can imagine, it was a very scary time. Please pray for peace for the girls, and also that when this happens Livi won't be scared, that she will have some understanding that she is ok. Doctors have said that these seizures will most likely continue although there is no way of predicting, when, where or how many.
Please also be in prayer for the seizure dog. We have found a place in Houston that will train a dog in a matter of weeks. (most waiting lists are at least a year) This will be a little costly, so we plan on doing fundraising in the near future...more to come on this. Please also be on the lookout for a full bred, papered dog. It must be at least a year old and of golden retriever, labordor, or german sheperd breed. If you know anyone that would be willing to donate such an animal, please let us know. If we get a dog donated, that will reduce the costs as well. Thank you so much and please, most importantly, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Update of Olivia
Dr. LeBron, Olivia's neurologist, called yesterday with the information from the neurosurgeon. Surgery is definitely OUT of the question, as it is too risky at this time. Basically it will only be an option when it becomes a life and death situation. Unfortunately, there is no name or "diagnosis" so to speak for the malformation Olivia has, so there is no way to tell if it will grow, move or cause any more damage than it already has. The next step is to contact oncology. They will monitor Olivia and determine whether or not localized radiation would be a treatment for her. The goal of this treatment would be to hopefully reduce the inflammation and LESSEN the risk of more problems such as seizures, eyesight issues and regression. The doctors will not get back to us until later next week on whether or not this will be a viable treatment option. Steroids are also an option to reduce the swelling, but the side effects can often be very bad.
Please pray for guidance for the doctors. Our prayer is that they will be led by Almighty God as they make decisions for treatment for Olivia. Pray for Kelly to have clarity and peace of mind as she will need to make decisions for Livi's treatment as well. Also please pray for physical rest for Kelly. As the threat of seizure is always present, it is very difficult to lay Livi down to sleep at night without trying to constantly watch her. Thank you for your prayers for this family and these sweet children.
Please pray for guidance for the doctors. Our prayer is that they will be led by Almighty God as they make decisions for treatment for Olivia. Pray for Kelly to have clarity and peace of mind as she will need to make decisions for Livi's treatment as well. Also please pray for physical rest for Kelly. As the threat of seizure is always present, it is very difficult to lay Livi down to sleep at night without trying to constantly watch her. Thank you for your prayers for this family and these sweet children.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
We Need A Dog!
I know in the midst of everything it seems odd to ask for a dog, but that is exactly what little Miss Olivia needs. Doctors have said that due to the malformation in the artery in her brain, she could have a seizure at any time. This could happen during waking or sleeping hours, so Kelly is ALWAYS watching her and as you can imagine, worries while she sleeps as well. Livi's neurologist suggested getting her a seizure dog. As it sounds, these dogs are trained to alert those around when the patient is going into and having a seizure. This would give Kelly a great deal of peace of mind to say the least. Well, her insurance does not cover getting her this assistance animal, and that is where friends and family come in. These dogs are very expensive, but our hope is that if we get the word out, we may find someone who has a seizure dog they would like to donate to little Miss Olivia. It may also be an option to find someone willing to train a dog to be a seizure dog. (I'm not sure exactly how this works) Please be in prayer for this need and get the word out...we never know who God has prepared in advance to fulfill this need in the life of a sweet, precious baby girl. If you have any information or questions please leave a comment here on the blog or message Kelly Gant or Michelle Holloway on facebook. Thank you so much for your continued prayers of support.
Pray for Hannah
Oh how I love my hannah girl! She has felt totally neglected, pushed aside and left out.....Words a mother never wants to hear her baby say. This has been exceptionally hard on hannah. She went from slumber party's, friends over for pizza, going to church, shopping at the mall, to staying inside and watching tv, playing games on computer and visits to my parents house.....BIG CHANGE I ask for prayer for peace and understanding for her, to have unconditonal love for her sisters the way God loves us. I struggle on a daily basis to make her feel just as important as the others, trying to give her somewhat of a normal, "everyday" life but if I do for her than sam and livi are left with my parents and they feel left out........God please help me! I want Hannah to feel loved and known for who she is and what she has accomplished in life, not by oh youre the one with the sick sisters.....trust me that has been said! She is a WONDERFUL young lady and I can only pray that having to live through this now will only make her stronger and hope she realizes into her adult years that God is the only Healer, that God is the only one who can fix the hurts and take the pain away. I want to be able to hear her tell her kids one day, just pray, God will answer you
Pray for Sam
Sam is my 3 year old bundle of energy......I just want a little!! Sam has been battling sickness for quite awhile. She had osteomyletis in her ear and was hospitalized for it in October 2010. That was the beginning of the end, or so it seemed. She went through surgery to put tubes in ears, remove some of the bone and repair a part of the ruptured eardrum. During the process, she was diagnosed with an immune disorder IgA and began to recieve infusions because her levels were so low. She went from playing sun-up to sun-down and sweet and bubbly to sleeping more, repeatedly saying "Im tired" and barely eating. I was sick.....we were told she couldn't be around others, big crowds because if she caught a cold, a simple cold she couldn't fight it. Boy was I feeling the loneliness and the guilt of not being able to do the simple things, go to church, go to the store, take hannah to do things with friends. This really took a toll on me. She did several infusions and then her bones began to wear down, and she couldn't take it so the drs decided to give her a break. During that time, her body began to break out in sores and she will go through periods where we can't get her to eat anything, those days are the worst. She was supposed to be continuing treatment but when we went for bloodwork, she had sores on her and a fever and so they couldn't do anything until she is free of sores and fever so the bloodwork will be as accurate as it can. We are still waiting.......Please pray that God heals her little body so we can continue on with treatment or whatever the drs seem to be fitting at this time. All she ever asks for is a trip to ChuckE Cheese and boy do Iwant to take her!!! Im praying things will continue to mend so I can give her a fun-filled day.
Pray For LIvi
Olivia is a fun, loving 13 month old cutie. She was born a preemie and seemed to be doing great, just growing a little slow. At her 9 month checkup the dr noticed her head was beginning to take on a different shape. I was told they would watch it and make necessary referrals if needed at next visit. At her 12 month checkup, her head was even more mishapen, so we were referred to the neurologist at Texas Children's. They ran some tests, and came to discover the her skull is fusing together in the front, so we are waiting for her helmet to come in within the next week or so and we are PRAYING that the helmet does a wonderful job of allowing the skull to move back where God intended it to be and that this problem corrects itself. In the process of all the testing there was a vascular malformation of the main artery in the brain noticed. We are currently waiting on word back from neurosurgeon as to what treatment can be done, but in the diagnosis she can begin to have seizures, if the malofrmation continues to grow it can push on optic nerve and she can go blind or it can even cause an aneurism. VERY SCARY.....this has been the hardest for me to hear. I ultimately know that God is in control and I have faith that she will be ok, but I have a hard time with wondering if I can accept what kind of "ok" will I have to settle for...
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