Thursday, October 6, 2011


Tears come to my eyes as I type this. Oh me of little faith, I was hoping to just raise half of what Kelly and her family needed to get Olivia's seizure dog. God had much bigger plans however. Tonight alone, we were able to raise over $1800!! (The total came in at $2,178.05)  The generosity of all those who baked, donated and bought items was absolutely overwhelming. Kelly and I were both brought to tears on more than one occasion as we saw God's provision through His people. We even got to the giddy school girl phase of excitement. But God didn't stop there. In addition to the Arlan's bake sale, Jeff, Olivia's dad, held a bake sale at work and was also able to raise money. This will go to expenses for travel and lodging when they go to pick up Hero and go for his other trainings. About every 90 days Kelly and Livi will have to take Hero back to the trainer to make sure his certification and tests are current. So as you can imagine, there will be costs for travel, lodging and food when they go to Dallas. BUT....GOD still isn't finished. Tomorrow Huffman ISD is holding a district wide bake sale to help raise funds for the Gants!! As I write this, I am still getting chills...our GOD is so great and so goes beyond what we even hope for. He knows the needs of this precious family. HE knows that parking each week is over $50, not to mention the copays for both girls to go to the doctor, therapies, and treatments. HE knows the financial stress on this family and HE continues to provide. I am certain that this is but the first step. God is faithful to provide as the Gant's will have another mouth to feed with Hero and another family member to care for. I am humbled to serve such an amazing Creator, Provider, Father. Please, please, continue to send up prayers for Olivia, Samantha, Kelly, Jeff and Hannah. God hears our cries and has proven once again that HE is always there for us. A big thank you again to all who helped by baking and donating at the sale tonight. Kelly was in awe of the generosity of everyone. Keep praying my dear friends and watch as God does amazing things!!


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