Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Seek, Ask, Knock...He Provides

All that comes to mind is that little song we all heard over and over as a child.  Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, Ask and it shall be given unto you, Knock and the door shall be opened unto you....What a glorious song.  Enough said.  Well the word was put out that Olivia needed a seizure dog, and as caring christians begin to read, and feel the need in their hearts, messages began to be sent out on facebook and a faithful follower of the Lord answered the call.  Through a friend, a constable with Precint 4 heard of Olivia's need and just so happened to have a 5 month old registered black lab that he was willing to donate.....Yes I said it DONATE!  This dog was a pure bred dog and runs in price anywhere from 1500-2500.  He was the last one to be sold, had other interested parties, and the Lord put it on his heart to give it to Olivia.  Yesterday, Kelly and Olivia went and met the dog, his owner and his wonderful family.  The dog has been around this officer's children and is very affectionate, very gentle and from a good bloodline so he is very intelligent.  Olivia seemed taken with the dog, he put his paws in her lap and sat as still as a mouse while she played with him.  Along with what a relief this is to have recieved the news that Kelly has a dog for Olivia comes some fears, some life changing responsibilities and situations for everyone involved.  Now the next step becomes to get with the trainer, get references to make SURE that the training this dog will need can be fulfilled and that the money that people will raise to help send this dog to training won't be wasted on what someone says they can do...

Please be in prayer that Jeff and Kelly will have the peace they need to KNOW that this is the right dog, this is the right trainer and that things will continue to fall into place and God's will ultimately be done in little Olivia's life.  This has been a very dificult time wondering as a mother for Kelly, am I doing the best for Olivia, what more can I do, am I failing by not being able to give everything that is asked of me???  We can't question God's word and His plan for us.  If we have faith, enough faith as small as a mustard seed than that's all we need to know that God WILL provide, God Will fulfill all our needs, God WILL walk beside us and carry us when we can't walk no more.  I pray that the faith in God continues to grow everyday in Kelly, Jeff and the girls.  I pray that they will begin to see the good works and have a peace that what they are doing is the best for Olivia and praying is the ultimate gift for her....God hears our thoughts, he hears our cries, he hears our prayers.

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